Johanna Anjar

My strong interest in glaciers and arctic environments led me to an education in geology. I later specialized in
Quaternary geology and in 2013 I finished my PhD on the Weichselian in south Sweden and in the SW Baltic Sea. The collaborative nature of these
projects also gave me experience in planning and coordinating a project with co-workers in several countries.
Employment history
2017 - | Lecturer, University of South-Eastern Norway |
2017 | Guest lecturer, Göteborg University Held a course in Quaternary Geology |
2014 - 2016 | Postdoctoral Fellow, Norwegian University of Science and Technology |
2014 | Associate Professor, Environmental Science, Norwegian University of Life Sciences Primary teacher on the course Kvartærgeologi, an introduction course in Quaternary Geology. |
2013 - 2014 | Laboratory assistant in the 14C-laboratory, Lund University Pre-treatment of commercial samples (wood, charcoal, macrofossils, bones and shells) for radiocarbon dating at Lund University AMS 14C-laboratory. |
2008 - 2013 | PhD-student in Quaternary Geology, Lund University Project: The Weichselian in southern Sweden and the southwestern Baltic Sea: glacial stratigraphy, palaeoenvironments and deglaciation chronology. Supervisors: Nicolaj Krog Larsen, Lena Adrielsson, Svante Björck, Helena Filipsson, Per Möller. |
2008 - 2013 | PhD in Quaternary Geology, Lund University | 2004 - 2008 | Master of Science (1 year) in Geology, Lund University Master's degree (Magisterexamen, a 4-year education corresponding to at least 240 ECTS) in Geology with Quaternary Geology as main subject and Mathematics as a secondary subject (82.5 ECTS). |
Expedition experience
2012 | Taymyr, SWEDARCTIC 2012 Participated in the fieldwork for the project: ”Taymyr revisited – a quest for former Eurasian Ice Sheet margins and mega-fauna extinction during the last glacial cycles”. |
Exchange periods
2014 - 2016 | University of Bern Visited the Institute of Geological Sciences, University of Bern (four months in total). |
2011 | Aarhus University Visited the Department of Geoscience during four months. |
2020 - | Georesources and groundwater, University of South-Eastern Norway Subject coordinator. |
2018 - | Geologi og landskap (Geology and landscape), University of South-Eastern Norway Subject coordinator, online and campus course. |
2018 - 2019 | Hydrologi og grunnvann (Hydrology and groundwater), University of South-Eastern Norway Lecturer (2018), subject coordinator (2019). |
2017 | Kvartärgeologi (Quaternary geology), Göteborg University Held a course in Quaternary Geology at the Geoscience program. Lectures, exercises and excursions. |
2014 | Kvartærgeologi (Quaternary geology), Norwegian University of Life Sciences Primary teacher, responsible for lectures, seminars and for the grading of exercises and reports. |
2008 - 2016 | Glacial sedimentology, processes, sediments and landform systems, Lund University Lecturer (2013, 2016) Led a six-day excursion to Finse, Norway (2013). Teaching assistant on excursions in Norway and Sweden (2008-2011). Led exercises in glacial sedimentology (2008-2011, 2013) and air-photo interpretation (2008, 2011). |
2013 | Miljögeologisk markundersökning (Environmental geology), Lund University Jointly led a two-day field exercise in Quaternary mapping and graded field reports. |
2009 - 2010 | Hydrogeology, Lund University Jointly led laboratory exercises in hydrogeology and graded reports. |
Selected courses
2019 | Undervisning, læring og vurdering i høyere utdanning (University pedagogy), University of South-Eastern Norway, 10 ECTS | 2010 | Learning and teaching in higher education, Lund University, 3 ECTS. | 2009 | Arctic Terrestrial Quaternary Stratigraphy, UNIS, 10 ECTS. | 2009 | Glaciology, UNIS, 10 ECTS. |
Drivers licence
Peer reviewed articles
2021 | Anjar, J., Akçar, N., Larsen, E. A., Lyså, A., Marrero, S., Mozafari, N., Vockenhuber, C. 2021: Cosmogenic exposure dating of landforms on Jan Mayen, North Atlantic, and the effects of bedrock formation age assumptions on 36Cl ages. Geosciences 11, 390. Open access. Summary. | 2021 | Anjar, J., Akçar, N., Lakeman, T., Larsen, E. A., Seiler, M. 2021: 10Be surface exposure dating of the deglaciation of northernmost Norway and Finland. Boreas 50, 369-380. Accepted manuscript. | 2021 | Lyså, A., Larsen, E., Anjar, J., Akçar, N., Ganerød, M., Hiksdal, A., Van Der Lelij, R. & Vockenhuber, C. 2021: The last glaciation of the Arctic volcanic island Jan Mayen. Boreas 50, 6-28. Open access. | 2020 | Möller, P., Alexanderson, H., Anjar, J., Björck, S. 2020: MIS 3 sediment stratigraphy in southern Sweden sheds new light on the complex glacial history and dynamics across southern Scandinavia. Boreas 49, 389-416. Accepted manuscript. | 2019 | Möller, P., Benediktsson, Í. Ö., Anjar, J., Bennike, O., Bernhardson, M., Funder, S., Håkansson, L. M., Lemdahl, G., Liccardi, J. M., Murray, A. S., Seidenkrantz, M.-S. 2019: Glacial history and palaeo-environmental change of southern Taimyr Peninsula, Arctic Russia, during the Middle and Late Pleistocene. Earth-Science Reviews 196, 47pp. | 2019 | Möller, P., Benediktsson, Í. Ö., Anjar, J., Bennike, O., Bernhardson, M., Funder, S., Håkansson, L. M., Lemdahl, G., Liccardi, J. M., Murray, A. S., Seidenkrantz, M.-S. 2019: Data set on sedimentology, palaeoecology and chronology of Middle to Late Pleistocene deposits on the Taimyr Peninsula, Arctic Russia, Data in Brief 25, 35pp. Open access. | 2018 | Anjar, J., Alexanderson, H., Larsen, E. & Lyså, A., 2018: OSL dating of Weichselian ice-free periods at Skorgenes, western Norway. Norwegian Journal of Geology 98, 19-31. Open access. | 2018 | Seiler, M., Anjar, J., Værnes, E., Nadeau, M.-J. & Scognamiglio, G. 2018: First 10Be measurements at Trondheim 1 MV AMS. Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research B. | 2014 | Anjar, J., Larsen, N. K., Håkansson, L., Möller, P., Linge, H., Fabel, D. & Xu, S. 2013: A 10Be based reconstruction of the Fennoscandian ice sheet's deglaciation in southern Sweden. Boreas 43, 132-148. | 2014 | Anjar, J., Adrielsson, L., Larsen, N. K., Möller, P. & Barth, K. 2014: Weichselian history of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet in southern Sweden and the southwestern Baltic Basin. Boreas 43, 608-626. | 2013 | Möller, P., Anjar, J. & Murray, A. S. 2013: An OSL-dated sediment sequence at Idre, westcentral Sweden, indicates ice-free conditions in MIS 3. Boreas 42, 25-42. | 2012 | Anjar, J., Adrielsson, L., Bennike, O., Björck, S., Filipsson, H. L., Groeneveld, J., Knudsen, K. L., Larsen, N. K. & Möller, P. 2012: Palaeoenvironments in the southern Baltic Sea Basin during Marine Isotope Stage 3: a multi-proxy reconstruction. Quaternary Science Reviews 34, 81-92. | 2010 | Anjar, J., Larsen, N. K., Björck, S., Adrielsson, L. & Filipsson, H. L. 2010: MIS 3 marine and lacustrine sediments at Kriegers Flak, southwestern Baltic Sea. Boreas 39, 360-366. Accepted_manuscript.pdf |
2012 | Anjar, J. 2012: The Weichselian in southern Sweden and southwestern Baltic Sea: glacial stratigraphy, palaeoenvironments and deglaciation chronology. LUNDQUA Thesis 67. |
Book chapter
2011 | Andrén, T., Björck, S., Andrén, E., Conley, D., Lambeck, K., Zillén, L. & Anjar, J. 2011: The development of the Baltic Sea basin during the last 130 ka. In: Harff, J, Björck, S. & Hoth, P. (eds.): The Baltic Sea Basin as a natural laboratory. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp 75-97. |
Invited talks
2015 | Kvartärgeologiska metoder för att rekonstruera isavsmältning och senglacial landskapsutveckling i Skandinavien. Det norske arkeologmøtet. | 2013 | The Weichselian in the southwestern Baltic Sea: glacial stratigraphy and palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. Greifswald University. |
Conference abstracts
2020 | Anjar, J., Akçar, N., Lakeman, T., Larsen, E. & Seiler, M. 2020: Cosmogenic surface exposure dating of the deglaciation of Finnmark and northern Finland. Nordic Geological Winter Meeting. Oral presentation. | 2019 | Anjar, J., Akçar, N., Lakeman, T., Larsen, E. & Seiler, M. 2019: Cosmogenic surface exposure dating of the deglaciation of Finnmark and northern Finland. INQUA. Poster presentation. | 2018 | Anjar, J., Akçar, N., Lakeman, T., Larsen, E., Nadeau, M.-J. & Seiler, M. 2018: Cosmogenic surface exposure dating of the deglaciation of Finnmark and northern Finland. 4th Nordic Workshop on Cosmogenic Nuclides. Poster presentation. | 2017 | Seiler, M., Anjar, J., Værnes, E. Nadeau, & M.-J., Scognamiglio, G. 2017: Be-10 measurement from Trondheim 1 MV AMS. 14th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. | 2017 | Seiler, M., Anjar, J., Værnes, E. Nadeau, M.-J. & Scognamiglio, G. 2017: Be-10 measurement from Trondheim 1 MV AMS. DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2017. | 2016 | Seiler, M., Anjar, J., Værnes, E. Nadeau, & M.-J. 2016: Be-10 measurement at Trondheim 1 MV AMS. Third Nordic Workshop on Cosmogenic Nuclide Techniques. | 2016 | Anjar, J., Akçar, N., Larsen, E., Lyså, A. & Vockenhuber, C. 2016: Dating the glacial activity on Jan Mayen using cosmogenic surface exposure dating with 36Cl. Past Gateways, 4th International conference. Poster presentation. | 2016 | Lyså, A., Larsen, E., Akçar, N., Anjar, J., Björk, S. & Ludvigsen, M. 2016: The glacial history of an active volcanic island - Jan Mayen. Past Gateways, 4th International conference. | 2016 | Larsen, E., Lyså, A., Anjar, J. & Ludvigsen, M. 2016: Lake Nordlaguna, Jan Mayen: the potential for a palaeoclimate record from the island. Past Gateways, 4th International conference. | 2016 | Seiler, M., Anjar, J., Værnes, E. Nadeau, & M.-J. 2016: Be-10 measurement at Trondheim 1 MV AMS. DPG Frühjahrstagung 2016. | 2016 | Anjar, J., Alexanderson, H., Larsen, E. & Lyså, A. 2016: OSL dating of Weichselian ice-free periods at Skorgenes, western Norway. Nordic Geological Winter Meeting. Oral presentation. | 2016 | Anjar, J., Akçar, N., Larsen, E., Lyså, A. & Vockenhuber, C. 2016: Cosmogenic surface exposure dating with 36Cl on Jan Mayen. Nordic Geological Winter Meeting. Poster presentation. | 2016 | Lyså, A., Larsen, E., Akçar, N. & Anjar, J. 2016: Jan Mayen - The Pleistocene-Holocene glacial history of an active volcanic island. Nordic Geological Winter Meeting. | 2016 | Svarva, H. L., Anjar, J., Larsen, E., Nadeau, M. J., Seiler, M. & Værnes, E. 2016: Trondheim radiocarbon laboratory - performance results and future plans. Nordic Geological Winter Meeting. | 2014 | Anjar, J., Adrielsson, L., Björck, S., Filipsson, H. L., Larsen, N. K., Möller, P. 2014: Weichselian glaciation history and palaeoenvironmental development of the SW Baltic Sea. Nordic Geological Winter Meeting. Oral presentation. | 2012 | Anjar, J., Larsen, N. K., Adrielsson, L. 2012: Weichselian stratigraphy and glacial history of Kriegers Flak in the southwestern Baltic Sea. Nordic Geological Winter Meeting. Oral presentation. | 2011 | Anjar, J., Larsen, N. K., Adrielsson, L., Bennike, O., Björck, S., Filipsson, H. L., Groeneveld, J., Knudsen, K. L. & Möller, P. 2011: Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the Middle Weichselian in the southwestern Baltic Basin. XVIII INQUA-Congress. Oral presentation. | 2010 | Anjar, J., Larsen, N. K., Adrielsson, L, Bennike, O., Björck, S., Filipsson, H. L., Knudsen, K. L. & Möller, P. 2010: Reconstructing the pre-late Weichselian history of the southwestern Baltic basin based on sediment cores from Kriegers Flak. Annual Conference of the INQUA PeriBaltic WG. Oral presentation. | 2010 | Anjar, J., Larsen, N. K., Filipsson, H. L., Björck, S., Adrielsson, L. & Möller, P. 2010: Reconstruction of the relative sea level and palaeoenvironmental history of the southwestern Baltic Sea during MIS 3. Nordic Geological Winter Meeting. Poster presentation. | 2009 | Anjar, J., Larsen, N. K., Björck, S. & Adrielsson, L. 2009: Lacustrine sediments at Kriegers Flak, southwestern Baltic Sea, and its implications for the MIS 3 glaciation history in southwest Scandinavia. EGU General Assembly, abstract #EGU2009-8609. Poster presentation. |
2015 | Photographs from Taymyr used in a video about ancient DNA. | 2014 | Photograph published in The New York Times, NewScientist and Science News. |
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