Arctic photographs
As a child I could spend hours looking at photos of mountains and glaciers and reading about the Arctic and Antarctica. In the last few years I have had the opportunity to visit some of the places I dreamt about as a child, and of course I returned home with a lot of photos of my own. A few of them are collected here.Jan Mayen Finnmark Padjelanta Taymyr Greenland Svalbard, summer 2009 Pyramiden, Svalbard Svalbard, winter 2009
I have a separate web page dedicated to geology photographies that are suitable for teaching purposes, you can find them here.

More photos from Jan Mayen
More photos from Taymyr
Summer 2009
More summer photos from Svalbard
More photos from Pyramiden, Svalbard
Winter 2009
More winter photos from Svalbard
I have also collected some geology photos in a separate gallery, you find them here.