Johanna Anjar, Quaternary geologist


My name is Johanna Anjar and I am a Quaternary geologist. On this page I present some research projects I am, or have been, involved in and show photographs from the arctic.

On my research page I discuss the history of the Baltic Sea during the last ice age and the deglaciation of south Sweden. In "Photographies" I show photographs from Jan Mayen, Svalbard, Greenland and Siberia and under "CV" you can find my publication list and see some other things I have been doing. I have also collected some photos and exercises that I use in my teaching.

If you want to get in contact with me you can reach me on e-mail:


May 2020: I have created a small gallery with geology photos and illustrations that can be used for educational and other purposes (CC-BY license).

Latest articles

Anjar, J., Akçar, N., Larsen, E. A., Lyså, A., Marrero, S., Mozafari, N., Vockenhuber, C. 2021: Cosmogenic exposure dating of landforms on Jan Mayen, North Atlantic, and the effects of bedrock formation age assumptions on 36Cl ages. Geosciences 11, 390.

Anjar, J., Akçar, N., Lakeman, T., Larsen, E. A., Seiler, M. 2021: 10Be surface exposure dating of the deglaciation of northernmost Norway and Finland. Boreas 50, 369-380.

Lyså, A., Larsen, E., Anjar, J., Akçar, N., Ganerød, M., Hiksdal, A., Van Der Lelij, R. & Vockenhuber, C. 2021: The last glaciation of the Arctic volcanic island Jan Mayen. Boreas 50, 6-28.

Möller, P., Alexanderson, H., Anjar, J., Björck, S. 2020: MIS 3 sediment stratigraphy in southern Sweden sheds new light on the complex glacial history and dynamics across southern Scandinavia. Boreas 49, 389-416.